Sioux Falls Ranked One of Hardest Working Cities

Everyone that works in Sioux Falls would agree, the people of Sioux Falls are hard workers! Well, that holds true to Wallet Hub as well. Sioux Falls has been ranked one of the Top Hardest Working Cities in the United States.



The rankings are as follows:

1. Anchorage, AK
2. Virginia Beach, VA
3. Plano, TX
4. Sioux Falls, SD
5. Irving, TX
6. Scottsdale, AZ
7. San Francisco, CA
8. Cheyenne, WY
9. Washington D.C.
10. Charlotte, NC

Sioux Falls was ranked high at number four with a total score of 78.06. We fell 11th in Direct Work Factors Rank and 3rd in Indirect Work Factors Rank. To read more about this article and to see the full list, check it out on